Sunday, June 12, 2011

Forget Twentyten - use Thematic!!! (Clickable header image 2.0)

I've given more time that I usually like to give to new-ish things to having a go with the Twentyten WP theme. After all it has proven not quite flexible enough to clean pure child-theme customization (i.e.: not changing the parent theme code directly at all). So I've gone back to using Thematic - not only does it come in a more basic form than 2010 it also provides a great number of filter and action hooks making it far more child-theme-friendly than any other theme out there that I've come across (granted not that many, but carefully considered every time a new project is started).

Now, here's a (far better than in the previous post) way to make the header image clickable on your WP pages that I've found somewhere and now for the life of me cannot remember where :*( but nonetheless am grateful to the original poster. (This takes me back to the reason behind this blog - sort of organize clever solutions that I've already found and would very probably need to use again in the future).

#blog-title a {
background:url(images/header.png) no-repeat top center;
width: XXpx;
height: XXpx;

The text-indent line get's rid of that unsightly Blog Title text that would appear on top of your pretty header image. Naturally, you should replace the XX with your actual image dimensions.

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